October 31, 2013

Ten misses and loves!

Joseph and I were running errands yesterday and we began talking about the things we missed from our life when we lived in Utah.  Here are our top then things we miss about Utah!

 1.  Being close to our families and children.
 2.  Being close to our friends.
 3.  Our chickens (homesteading in general).
 4.  Our fire pit in our back yard.
 5.  Cooking food in our fire pit in our back yard.
 6.  Cold and delicious tap water!  Texas tap water is not good. 
 7.  Tandoori Oven! (The best Indian restaurant is in Logan.)
 8.  Beautiful mountains and canyons.
 9.  Seeing big game wildlife (deer, moose, and wild turkeys).
10. Dairy/Farm country.

We also thought about what we love about our life in Texas; here are our top ten things we love about Texas!

 1.  Workings for ourselves!
 2.  Sky-scapes.  What Texas lacks in mountains, it makes up for with beautiful huge clouds!
 3.  Killer thunderstorms.
 4.  Rusty Taco!  Can't go wrong with two dollar fresh tacos.
 5.  Long growing seasons.
 6.  The cheese wall at Central Market! 
 7.  The wide variety of shopping available!
 8.  Squirrels and rabbits running around everywhere.
 9.  No cracking skin here!  Humidity can be a good thing.
10. How proud everyone is about being Christian.  Sorry Utah, you've got nothing on Texas in this regard.


October 30, 2013

Selfie of the Week!

It's time to post those self portraits!


To find out what these weekly self portraits are all about click HERE!
Don't miss a post "Like" my Facebook page HERE!

October 29, 2013

Standing on the Edge

Have you ever felt anxious but you don't know where the feeling is coming from?  I'm not talking about worry or the negative kind of anxious; I'm talking about feeling excited, like you're standing on the edge of something great!  I'm feeling excited and anxious; I'm ready to jump in and begin!

Have you ever felt this way?
What happened after you stepped off the edge towards your excitement?


October 27, 2013


It's time for High/Low of the week!

Low:  Brakes!  We drove to Sunnyvale Saturday to visit a client and we noticed our car was making an interesting sound.  On the way home we took the car to a brake shop to have it checked out.  Turned out we needed four new rotors and brake pads!  I hate unexpected expenses!

High:  We received a lot of fun material for Eidolon House projects this week!  It's exciting to see concepts that we dream up come to life.

A is for Adams!

To find out what high/low of the week is all about click HERE!

October 25, 2013

Etsy Must Have!

I absolutely love beautiful pictures! 

Photo Source
With fun photo apps for cell phones these days, there are a smathering of pictures on Facebook and Instagram these days.  But there is a difference between heavily filtered photos and good photography.  

Photo Source
Elle Moss Photography from Ann Harbor Michigan on Etsy sells the most beautiful prints and home decor; her photography is amazing.  She's been featured in several magazines, books, and blogs.  Click HERE to check out her shop; she has amazing nature, sill life, and portrait prints to choose from! 


October 23, 2013

Chapter Ten: Happiness is. . .

I was looking around my little house tonight and started listing in my head all the things about it that made me happy.  I was sitting in my rocking chair near my husband as he worked, I looked down and around me were all three of my pets, laying beside each other at my feet.  I couldn't help but smile, and I thought happiness is this. . . being happy with what I have right now at this very moment.

Photo Source

October 22, 2013

Selfie of the Week!

It's selfie of the week time!
I'm not sure if this little activity is actually building confidence.  Today I was dreading it and thinking, it's not a good picture day.  I was going to wait until later in the week before taking another self portrait, but then I thought, that defeats my whole purpose of doing this.  We should love ourselves even when we're feeling a bit off, or have a bad attitude.  

Hello, my name is Jill.

I'd love to see your selfies!


Find out what these weekly selfies are all about HERE!

October 20, 2013


It's time for high/low of the week! 

My low of the week:  Allergy attack!  Wednesday evening something crazy flew through our windows, jumped into my eyes and flew up my nose!  I was sneezing all night, and my nose was stuffy one minute and runny the next!  TMI?  It felt like my head was going to explode and I wanted to scratch my eyes out!  I took like seven allergy pills to knock out whatever was trying to take over my life!

My high of the week:  I was pretty happy with my tomato soup.  It turned out better than I expected, which is always fun when you're testing a new recipe.

Find the recipe HERE!

What was your high/low of the week?


October 19, 2013

Etsy Must Have!

I absolutely love browsing Etsy!  I often find myself making quite the wish list of random prints, bags, necklaces, bow ties for Joseph, and so many other lovely things.  I also love supporting small business owners! 
Photo Source
Check out this bag!  I must have this bag!  This bag is from a shop called Rough and Tumble Bags, check out the full shop HERE!  Lately I am obsessed with waxed canvas bags; they look a bit rugged but also classic.  This is a bag I could use forever!

Natasha Durham is the owner and her shop is located in Hebron Maine.  Read more about Natasha HERE!

Do you guys brows Etsy?  
What are some of your favorite shops?


October 18, 2013

Tomato Soup Recipe!

It's soup season, so I thought I would share my tomato soup recipe with you today.  I cook to taste, so I don't really have measurements for my recipes; I apologize ahead of time if you're a cook who needs to follow a recipe with exact measurements.  I will try my hardest to approximate measurements for you.

This soup turned out really good and thick!  In case you missed my, "13 random facts about me", I don't like chunky soup, so my soups are all blended! (sorry Joseph)  Anything cooked with spices is better the day after you make it, so I've been making sauces and now soup in a crock pot and letting them cook on low over night and throughout the day.  Our house smells so good right now!  I'm contending with my next door neighbor; she makes the most wonderful smelling Indian dishes, and the smells seep through her walls into our house!  Indian food smells so delicious!

Here is what I did to make this tasty soup!

Two tablespoons of olive oil.
One carton of cherry tomatoes, tomatoes cut in half, or two to three regular tomatoes roughly chopped, ( I used cherry tomatoes 'cause they had been in my refrigerator for quite some time and needed to be eaten).
Four cloves of garlic roughly chopped.
One small yellow onion roughly chopped.
Ground black pepper (roughly a tsp)
Sea salt (roughly two tsps)
Oregano (a couple medium pinches)
Basil ( just one small pinch)
Ground nutmeg (a couple of small shakes)
One bay leaf (optional but really makes a difference in the flavor of your soups.  Splurge for the bay leaf!)
Two tablespoons of sugar or two regular carrots roughly chopped, (carrots are full of sugar, so if you don't want to use actual sugar, throw in carrots, you'll feel better).
Two pints of bottled tomatoes or 32 oz of canned stewed tomatoes.
Two chicken bullion cubes or two tablespoons of chicken bullion.
16 oz of water.

The process:
In a large pot on medium heat, saute onions in olive oil until they are lightly brown.  Then add garlic cloves, black pepper, salt, oregano, basil, and nutmeg.  Let all of these ingredients roast together for about 2-3 minutes on medium heat, stir often to prevent burning.
Next, add chopped up tomatoes and carrots if you've opted out of using actual sugar.  let the tomatoes and carrots roast with the spice and oil mixture for about 5 minutes.
Next, add two pints of bottled tomatoes or 32 oz of canned stewed tomatoes, 16 oz of water, two chicken bullion cubes, sugar (if you didn't use carrots), and a bay leaf.  Mix everything together well. 
Let cook on the stove for about 30 minutes to an hour on medium-low heat with the lid on the pot.  If you're going to eat the soup right away, use an immersion blender to blend the soup and serve, (you can also use a regular blender or food processor, whatever you have).  However, I suggest transferring the soup to your crock pot and letting it cook on low heat over night, even throughout the next day.  The next day before blending, pull out the bay leaf, blend the soup and serve.
     *before serving taste your soup, if it's bland add more black pepper, about 1/2 tsp.  If the soup is bitter with a strong tomato flavor, add more sugar, about 1 tsp.

We love to eat tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, who doesn't?  We also love to bake good bread for dipping, such as focaccia or french bread.  Tortilla chips are great crunched up an served on top of the soup, and don't forget to add grated cheese!

Enjoy this very tasty soup!


October 17, 2013

Selfie of the Week!

I wanted to use this photo of my beautiful stump, or "residual limb" in the amputee world as my selfie of the week.
my poor stump is becoming rough and bruised; it was a tough summer.
But then I thought about it; the whole purpose of my selfies is to get comfortable with my face!  I'm quite comfortable with my stump, so I think posting random pictures of body parts is cheating.   That's not to say that some of my selfies won't be close ups of just my eyeball or an earlobe.
 Here is my selfie of the week!  
I'm realizing my hair is getting dark!  It may be time to add a little color. 

To find out what these weekly selfies are all about click HERE!

October 15, 2013

Chapter Nine: "Friend Oriented"

I've been accused of being a "friend oriented" person, as if this were a negative thing, and I don't understand why loving my friends would be a negative thing.  I have the most amazing friends in the world!  My closest friends have quite literally in one way or another saved my life; these people must be loved.  

I'm the youngest of three children.  My sister is five years older than me, and moved out of our home when I was about 14 years old; so my friends became very important to me at a young age.  My brother is two years older than me; we became close friends after my sister moved out, which was fun because most of my friends wanted to date my brother, and I think he thought a few of my friends were cute too.  My brother and I spent a lot of time with our cousins "The Other Buckways" when we were in high school; we had a pretty fun group of friends to hang out with back then.  But, time goes on; my brother went on a mission for the LDS church, and got married shortly after he came home from his mission.

I've found throughout my life, people have come into it just when I needed them most.  In high school other than hanging out with my cousins and brother, I wasn't the type to hang with a big group, I always had just one or two very close friends; I'm still friends with those women today.  When I started working at Weber State Bookstore I also moved out of my parents' home and lived with four amazing women, whom I'm still friends with to this day!  When I began work at a Law Firm in Ogden, I became friends with the paralegal I shared the front office with; we had so much fun working together!  When I started work at Lifetime Products in Clearfield Utah, I met two of the most amazing women I know to this day!

Our families are obviously very important to us.  Culturally we're taught to think they are more important than anything in the world!  What is the that popular phrase, blood is thicker than water?  But our friends and our spouses are people we consciously choose to let into our worlds; why wouldn't we love them just as much as or more than we love our families?  Some of my biggest influences of strength, faith, and love have come from the support I've felt from my friends.

I'm happy that actual blood line doesn't define our families, if it did, my daughter wouldn't be our daughter, but she is.  Last April when Joseph and I were married in the LDS temple we also made Millee a part of our family.  I can not tell you how comforting it feels to know that the family I chose is complete. 

I'm not saying that family isn't important, I have a great family.  I'm saying friends, good friends, are just as important; so I guess I'm okay with being coined a friend oriented person, I have always been blessed with fantastic friends!

Sometimes it's the family you make for yourself that loves you the most.


October 14, 2013

Nesting: Eco Printing

One thing I've tried to narrow down for the past little while is my style in fashion and in home decor.  I don't like what I liked 10 - 15 years ago when it comes to home decor.  As I've searched websites, magazines, pinterest, and random Google searches I've determined my home decor style is rustic farmhouse with a French twist. 

A few weeks ago I was searching eco dying websites and stumbled across eco printing (there is a difference), and I thought to myself, how have I not heard of eco printing, and why haven't I tried it before?  I love natural fabrics and dying natural fabrics using pieces of nature would be perfect!  I referred to THIS website for instructions and gave it a try for myself.  Here is my first try printing on new dish clothes for my kitchen!  I think they turned out pretty well.    

100% cotton cloth; soaked overnight in a mixture of alum and washing soda.
Ring out the cloth, lay it out on a flat surface and spread out collected leafs, flowers, even sticks.
Roll everything up in the cloth and secure the cloth with rubber bands or string.
Steam the rolled up cloth for one hour.  Let the rolls sit after steaming over night.
Unroll the cloth and see your beautiful printed fabric!
I love the beautiful yellow and browns and you can even see the shapes of the leaves!
I can't wait to eco print more dish cloths and who knows what else!

October 13, 2013


This past week has flown by so fast, I can hardly believe it's time for high/low again!  To see what high/low is all about click HERE.

Low of the week:  I haven't felt very good and don't have a lot of energy or desire to do anything!

High of the week:  After Church today Joseph and I took a drive to some interesting little towns that were. . . interesting.  We had fun and we really do live in a beautiful part of Texas; I'm always happy when I'm exploring with my man.

What was your high/low of week?

October 10, 2013

Selfie of the Week!

Hey guys!  It's time to show off your gorgeous selves! 
Check out my first post about sefies HERE to find out what this is all about!

I hope everyone is having a great week!


October 9, 2013

Chapter Eight: The Anual Hunt for Dead Plants!

My mom is pretty crazy, but in a good way.  If any of you have ever spent time with Marg you know what I'm talking about.  Yes, I call my mom Marg; I always have and I don't really know why.

Me and Marg last year at Thanksgiving
The Marg I know likes to have fun, stays up late, listens to her music loud, and puts the term, "shop til you drop" to shame!  The funniest thing about my mom is she thinks she's old, but does my previous sentence about my her describe an old women?   I think not!

The seasons have changed and Fall is here, my favorite time of year.  Growing up we lived maybe two miles from the mouth of the Ogden canyon  My mom and I would go on long drives through the canyons near our home to collect weeds and dying fall colored plants.  We'd blast K.T. Oslin or Billy Dean, sing at the top of our lungs, keeping one eye on the road and the other on the look-out for any cool looking dried plant.  We'd pull over when we'd spot some, cut them down, and take them home.  We used our plants to make beautiful arrangements to display on our front porch.  We did this for years!  To this day whenever I'm driving and spot a random but pretty plant, I think to myself, "that would make a great display".

I miss our long drives Marg!  I love you!      

October 8, 2013

Chapter Seven: Are we happy in Texas?

My cousin Kandin and I text a couple times a week and today she asked me a question:  Are you happy in Texas?  I looked at Joe and asked him the same question.  We realized a few little factoids that have changed since moving to Texas and I'd say yes!  We're happy in Texas!

We've seen numerous changes to our health and even our dog's health and the health of our car, yes our car.  I've have suffered years with dry cracked hands living in Utah.  Now since moving to Texas I have great skin and no cracks on my hands.  Joe has had Restless Leg Syndrome for several years, but here it does not bother him nearly as much.  Our dog Rascal had the worst breath in the world!  After moving to Texas, he doesn't smell any more.  Our car has always had a small oil leak.  We have taken our car into several shops to have the leak checked out, but no one has been able to find it.  Now after living in Texas, our car no longer leaks oil!  I can't explain Joe, Raz, or the car, obviously my skin is better because of the humidity here, but all in all, Texas has proven to be a good move for us!


October 7, 2013

13 Random Facts About Me

13 Random Facts about me:

1.  In high school I took French.  The only real phrase I learned was asking to use the restroom, we could only talk in French while we were in class.

2.  My high school English teacher was also my father's high school English teacher.  Yikes!

3.  I eat like a picky toddler.  I don't like food mixed or touching on my plate.  I DO NOT eat or cook casseroles because it's mixed food.  I don't cook Rachael Ray recipes because I found they were just glorified casseroles.  Any soup I cook I will puree, because I don't like chunky mixed food in a bowl.

4.  When I was young I loved scary movies, now that I'm older I cannot watch them, and if I do I have nightmares!  Even a few Doctor Who episodes gave me nightmares i.e. Weeping Angels!

5.  In high school I taught my best friend's little brother how to drive, and that was one of my first near death experiences (more on that later), and yes there has been more than one near death experience in my life, some more funny than others.

6.  I have written poems my whole life!  I have my own format so to speak; they used to start with the phrase, I am a girl with shoes on.  After my amputation, the opening phrase has changed to, I am a girl with one leg standing.  You'll have the pleasure to read some of my poems on the blog I'm sure.

7.  I've always loved cats, but told everyone I hated them because I'm allergic to them.  Joe and my daughter Krista are cat people, so a couple years ago we bought two cats and I love them so much.  I now feel guilty for ever thinking mean things about cats.  We really shouldn't think mean things or do mean things to any of God's creations.  I'm still allergic and survive on a lot of allergy medicine, but I love my cats!  They have the best personalities and they are very loving.  Except for Willow; she is loving in her own way.

8.  I am a huge dog lover!  We had dogs growing up and I've had eight dogs of my own since moving out of my parents home!  Raz is my favorite of course.

9.  I have a lot of wonderful friends but I'm actually a loner, I love spending time by myself.

10.  I love reading. . . magazines.  I have to force myself to finish books, I lose interest fast and my mind starts wondering so I find I have to read chapters two and three times.  At that point I close the book in frustration.  I married the most avid reader in the world!  Joe reads to me whatever he's reading and I'm happy.

11.  I went to Primary Children's in SLC Utah until I was 18!  I have a birth defect called Sacral Agenesis.  Read more about Sacral Agenesis HERE.

12.  In high school I listened to country music and wore a cowgirl boots and I even had cowgirl hats!  Now, I don't listen to country music at all.

13.  I wish my church would bring back Roadshows!  Some of my fondest memories when I was a tween was being in those plays, practicing, singing, and dressing up in costume was fun! 

October 6, 2013


If any of you have the seen the move The Story of Us you know what High/Low is.  I saw this movie when it first came out 14 years ago and I bawled my eyes out!  I don't actually recommend watching this movie; it is incredibly depressing, but it has a great ending.  In one scene of the movie the family is sitting down to dinner.  While the family is eating, everyone takes turns telling about their high moment of the day and their low moment of the day.  The family discussed each others' high and low moments and I thought it was such a fun idea that I started the tradition for myself.  

IMBD photo source

When I lived in SLC with two of my cousins and two other roommates I started a tradition of high/low.  We usually all gathered in the kitchen during the evenings when everyone got home from work and school.  Some of my most memorable moments living there were our high/low conversations.  Years later after my divorce, I lived alone in a small one bedroom apartment, but I spent a lot time at my sister's house.  I would go over to my sister's almost every Sunday and cook dinner for the family.  We would all sit around the dinner table together and go around the table sharing our highs and lows of the week.  I loved it so much; I think it helped the kids open up a bit and it's a fun way to keep conversation flowing. 

I think it would be fun to start a weekly high/low tradition here on the blog!  I'll start with my low of the week and then my high, that way I'm ending my post on a happy note!

Low:  I made a huge batch of Indian Butter Chicken so I could freeze a bunch for future dinners.  The flavor is good but it's a bit too hot my my liking.  I'm bummed because I don't like it when my recipes don't turn out right.  Next time I'm only going to put in half  of the chilli powder the recipe calls for.  If you'd like to take a look at the recipe click HERE!  I'm still on the look out for a traditional Indian Butter Chicken recipe, I don't know how authentic this recipe is:  I don't think jalapenos are a traditional Indian flavor.    

High:  Spending all day today at Ray Roberts State Park, listening to General Conference, reading, writing, spending time with Joseph and Raz, and being outside in nature!  I always feel most spiritual and at peace when I'm in nature!  

I'd love it if you shared your high and low of the week with me!  
Share in the comments below or on Millee-Margaret's Facebook page HERE!



October 5, 2013

Chapter Six: Millee's Story

Millee Margaret is my daughter who passed away while I was giving birth to her.  I feel it's fitting to share her story since this blog is named after her.  I didn't get to raise her, but giving birth to her changed my life forever.  The day after my office Christmas party, about mid December in 2007, I went to a routine check up with an ultra sound.  Without sharing all the medical gory details I found out I was in labor and getting ready to have a baby.  Because I was only about 22 weeks along I was admitted to the hospital in Ogden Utah, then later sent to the University of Utah's labor and delivery unit in Salt Lake City.  I was considered high risk and because of a specific surgery I had when I was young, I couldn't have a caesarean.  I had to have her naturally, but I don't have hip sockets either; a body part women need to give birth.  Our goal was to give birth between 26 - 32 weeks.  After 26 weeks her lungs would be stronger and under 32 weeks she'd be small enough for me to give birth naturally. 

I spent most of my nights laying upside down, gravity was on our side in this situation, and I was flat on my back for about four weeks.  The morning I went into labor I was 26 weeks along to the day, and I was alone in my hospital room in utter panic when I realized my water had broken.  I called the nurse and was rushed to labor and delivery.  I'd been on pills to stop labor so during birth my cervix closed and wrapped around Millee's neck and she was stuck.  I was then put on medicine that causes labor, but the process took too much time to start working.

I think those 30-40 minutes waiting to go back into labor were the longest minutes of my life; I knew as each minute passed, my sweet baby was passing too.  That night my Uncle Rex drove to the hospital to pick up my baby and took her to the mortuary in South Ogden.  The next day my mom and dad took me home.  Millee was born January 3, 2008; she is buried in Washington Heights Memorial Cemetery in Ogden Utah.

Millee was named after a night nurse I had while I was in the hospital.  I was having such a hard time thinking of a girl name, and I wanted to wait to meet her before I decided on a name; but I had to have a few in mind.  I had a night nurse, who was from Russia that came to check Millee's heart beat every night, and she was the one nurse that stayed for a bit and talked to me.  I loved listening to her talk with her thick Russian accent.  To be honest, her accent was so think I often had a hard time understanding her.  The fact that she would take some time to hang out with me helped me through some lonely nights.  Margaret is my mother, and I knew my baby was in some way going to be named after my mom; we've shared so much together and I knew my mom would be a big part of Millee's life.  I wanted Millee to know who she was named after personally.

I still remember the panic I felt when I found out I was going to have a baby.  I remember the rejection I felt when Millee's father told me he didn't want to be involved in our lives.  I remember even more panic I felt when I found out I was having a girl; the thought of raising a girl in this crazy world frightened me.  I still feel guilty every day because of losing her; I always wonder if there was something I could have done better. Most of all I remember the strength, faith, and love I felt being pregnant with her and planning a great future for us.

Millee was strong, beautiful, and loved to listen to Shania Twain; every time I played Shania's music, Millee would dance in my tummy.  Well, she either loved Shania Twain and danced, or she was trying to tell me to turn off the music by kicking me in the ribs.

I will always be grateful for all of the support I received from my dear family, friends, and co-workers!  Our family Christmas Eve party was spent in my hospital room that year.  It was actually fun; we ate pizza, opened presents, played games, and visited.  I had several visits from friends and co-workers, but it was also a very snowy and cold winter; I spent a lot of days and nights alone due to snowy weather and bad road conditions.

I don't think I'll ever truly get over losing my daughter, but the experience of having her taught me so much about myself and for that I have to be grateful.


October 4, 2013

Chapter Five: Let it be said. . .

Let it be said, I'm not a floundering woman trying to find myself in the world; I hope that isn't the vibe I'm giving by starting this blog.  I know who I am, I think most people know who they are; we all have core values and beliefs that we identify with.  But I have to think as human beings we owe it to ourselves to evaluate, research, and evolve continually.  This is what I'm trying to do with self reflection and sharing my experiences on this blog. 

For example, I don't think it's enough to identify myself as a nice person, but then go about life not really doing anything nice for anyone.  It's like those people who share posts about saving starving people in Africa, but how well do they know their neighbor?  How about actually doing something that truly will make a difference in someone's life here and now, even right next door?  I believe that if you really know yourself, your actions will portray who you believe you are.

I want to find myself on a deeper, individual level; better yet I want to create myself.  I know I have a lot to offer and there is so much more to find within myself, but I'll never know what I have to offer if I don't evaluate, research, and try my best to evolve. 

Happy Friday y'all!  I hope you have a great weekend! 

October 3, 2013

Chapter Four: The Ultimate Selfie

Can you believe that the word "selfie" is actually considered a word now?  Check out this ARTICLE found on Time News Feed; I hate that we accept words like selfie or twerk as actual words.  Why not say self portrait instead of selfie?  And no one, anywhere should ever twerk, much less use the word in a sentence. 

This blog isn't about the English language; we're talking about self portraits today!  How comfortable are you with self portraits?  I personally hate my picture taken, because I'm not happy with my physical self right now.  However, I feel that constantly pointing out that I don't want my picture to be taken because I don't like myself, isn't very healthy and probably won't help me get on the right track to living a more healthy life.  

My husband thinks I'm beautiful, and my family and friends like me as I am right now, so why not get over this issue of not taking pictures of myself?  I've challenged myself to take one "selfie" per week until I'm comfortable with having pictures taken of me!  Yikes!  Here are 5 tips from A Beautiful Mess on how to take better self portraits.  

Who's going to join me?
  Share your portraits on my Millee-Margaret Facebook page HERE or, tag me on
 INSTAGRAM @eidolonhouse, and share your self portraits! 

Here is my first "selfie" of the week!
I took this yesterday sitting in my car while Joseph was in the post office. 

October 2, 2013

Chapter Three: This has to be addressed

As a woman in my mid-thirties, one subject has to be addressed:  Age!  Anyone who knows me well knows I don't want to age, but time is going to march across my face if I want it to or not.  Who decided that men get more distinguished and handsome as they age, i.e. George Clooney and Mark Harmon, and women just can't age at all?  Sure the confident women are fine with their aging, but there are those of us not so confident and I am not looking forward to dying the grey out of my hair.  Now, if I aged as these women have, I'd be pretty happy!  However, if I don't find contentment with grey hair I don't think I'd continue to die my hair brown, my natural color; I'd dye my hair blue or purple!

At some point in a persons life not only does age have to be addressed; health must be addressed as well.  Some people are naturally health aware but most of us have to make it a priority and a life changing experience to make it stick.  I'm going to use this blog not only to focus on my emotional and spiritual health but also focus on my physical health!  Joseph and I were planning a 30 day challenge around health, (check out our past 30 day challenges HERE), but we never got around to it, and I want this to be something I can conquer in my own way on my own timeline.  So here's to aging well and a healthy future!  What do you guys think about how society views women aging?    


October 1, 2013

Chapter Two: Label Me

In our society we're often told it's wrong to put labels on people and ourselves, but I want to be labeled!  Not labeled in a judgmental sort of way, but labeled as in "defined".  My first obvious label is woman or wife, but what kind of woman or wife am I?  Am I a brave woman or am I reserved and introverted?  Maybe I am both depending on the situation I'm in.  Am I a spiritual woman?  What does it mean to be a spiritual person anyway?  Do spiritual people only attend church and pray, or can I find spirituality in other non-conventional ways such as; travel, reading, meeting new people, being in nature, meditation, etc.  I feel by answering these kinds of questions about myself, I'm in turn defining myself!
Photo Source

Here are a some labels I'm striving for:  Brave, honest, fun, kind, creative, happy, loving, secure, and strong.