June 21, 2015

Family Theme 2015-2016: My Confidant, My Friend, My God.

Hello friends!  I haven't intentionally ignored my blog and writing, I've just been crazy busy, but who isn't these day's right?  We moved, took on a huge new client over at Eidolon House, and have had house guests for the past month!  Unfortunately I had to forego writing for a bit.

While our children are here visiting we took time to decide our family theme for the upcoming school year. We like to keep our theme religious because our religion isn't something we just agree with, we try to live it as much as we can.  The subject of religion is huge! We feel it helps us and our children to narrow down subjects to really focus on throughout the year.

This year we really want to focus on our personal relationships with God, so our theme is called:  My Confidant, My Friend, My God.  We found a talk by Jeffery R. Holland called The Grandeur of God that we loved (find talk HERE)!  We believe that it's important have a personal relationship with God and this talk spoke about a great way to know God is to know Jesus Christ.  Jesus was the ultimate example of God's character.

Do you do something like a family theme?    

(Last year's family theme - HERE)