One thing I've tried to narrow down for the past little while is my style in fashion and in home decor. I don't like what I liked 10 - 15 years ago when it comes to home decor. As I've searched websites, magazines, pinterest, and random Google searches I've determined my home decor style is rustic farmhouse with a French twist.
A few weeks ago I was searching eco dying websites and stumbled across eco printing (there is a difference), and I thought to myself, how have I not heard of eco printing, and why haven't I tried it before? I love natural fabrics and dying natural fabrics using pieces of nature would be perfect! I referred to
THIS website for instructions and gave it a try for myself. Here is my first try printing on new dish clothes for my kitchen! I think they turned out pretty well.
100% cotton cloth; soaked overnight in a mixture of alum and washing soda. |
Ring out the cloth, lay it out on a flat surface and spread out collected leafs, flowers, even sticks. |
Roll everything up in the cloth and secure the cloth with rubber bands or string. |
Steam the rolled up cloth for one hour. Let the rolls sit after steaming over night. |
Unroll the cloth and see your beautiful printed fabric! | |
I love the beautiful yellow and browns and you can even see the shapes of the leaves! |
I can't wait to eco print more dish cloths and who knows what else! |
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